Filesystem Methods

HTTP Endpoints

POST /filesystems

Creates a new filesystem

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

Response Syntax:

  "name": "string"

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

GET /filesystems

Lists all available filesystems

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

Response Syntax:

    "name": "string",
    "filesystemId": "string",
    "ownership": "owned" | "shared"

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

DELETE /filesystems/(filesystem_id)
GET /filesystems/(filesystem_id)

Fetches the name of the filesystem

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Success. Returns the initialization information if it’s an initialization request.

  • 500 Internal Server Error – Unknown error occurred during processing.

Response Syntax:

  "name": "string"

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

DELETE /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/files/(path: filepath)
GET /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/files/(path: filepath)

Download a chunk of a file.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

  • Content-Range – Byte range for this file, in the format <START>-<END>

Status Codes:

Pass the query string param ?init=true to obtain the file size and a download_id


May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

POST /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/files/(path: filepath)

Initialize or complete a multipart upload. Initializations include the size in the request body. Completions include the upload ID and a boolean true/false string in the body.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

Request Syntax (Initialize):

   "size": 123

Request Syntax (Complete):

  "complete": "true" | "false"
  "uploadId": "string"

Response Syntax (Initialize):

    "uploadId": "string"

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

PUT /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/files/(path: filepath)

Upload a chunk of a file.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

  • Content-Range – Upload ID and byte range for this file, in the format [<UPLOAD_ID>]:<START>-<END>

Status Codes:

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

GET /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/list/(path: filepath)
GET /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/list
POST /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/mkdir/(path: filepath)
POST /filesystems/(filesystem_id)/share