Job Methods

HTTP Endpoints

DELETE /batches

Deletes all the available batches and jobs for the user

The user is identified by the ‘user_id’ in the request context.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

GET /batches

List all the available batches for the user

The user is identified by the ‘user_id’ in the request context.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

Response Syntax:

    "batch_id": "string",
    "tool_id": "string",
    "n_jobs": 123,
    "hardware": {
      "filesystems": [
      "cpu" 123,
      "memory": 123

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

DELETE /batches/(batch_id)

Deletes the specified batch

The user is identified by the ‘user_id’ in the request context.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

GET /batches/(batch_id)

Returns attributes for batch

The user is identified by the ‘user_id’ in the request context.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

Response Syntax:

    "batch_id": "string",
    "tool_id": "string",
    "hardware": {
      "filesystems": [
      "memory": 123,
      "cpu": 123
    "n_submitted": 123,
    "submitted_jobs": {
     "SUBMITTED": 123, 
     "PENDING": 123, 
     "RUNNABLE": 123, 
     "STARTING": 123,
     "RUNNING": 123, 
     "SUCCEEDED": 123,
     "FAILED": 123

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

GET /batches/(batch_id)/jobs

List all the available jobs in the user’s requested batch

The user is identified by the ‘user_id’ in the request context.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

Response Syntax:

    "job_id": "string",
    "log_id": "string",
    "args": {
      "name": "value"

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.

GET /batches/(batch_id)/jobs/(job_id)

Returns attributes for the specific job

The user is identified by the ‘user_id’ in the request context.

Request Headers:
  • Authorization – API key or Bearer token for user authentication

Status Codes:

Response Syntax:

    "job_id": "string",
    "log_id": "string",
    "hardware": {
      "filesystems": [
      "memory": 123,
      "cpu": 123
    "args": {
      "name": "value"
    "status": "string",
    "reason": "string",
    "create_time": "string",
    "start_time": "string",
    "stop_time": "string",

May raise exceptions related to database operations or service availability.