Source code for

import requests
import json
import os
import time
import logging
import sys
from .jobs import Batch
from .config import API_ENDPOINT, MultipartUpload, MIN_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES

[docs] class MaxRetriesExceededError(Exception): pass
[docs] def connect(tool_name): """ Searches for a tool with the specified name and returns a Tool object if found. Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the tool to connect to """ status = requests.get( API_ENDPOINT + "/tools", headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if status.ok: tool_list = status.json() for t in tool_list: if t[0] == tool_name: tool_id = t[1] return Tool(tool_id) raise Exception("Tool does not exist") elif status.status_code == 403: raise Exception(f'Access to tool "{tool_name}" is forbidden') elif status.status_code == 401: raise Exception(f'Authorization failed') elif status.status_code == 500: raise Exception(f'Something went wrong - check your API key') else: raise Exception(f'Tool "{tool_name}" could not be accessed')
[docs] def create(name, description): """Creates a new Tool Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the tool description : string Plain text description of the tool Returns ------- Tool A Tool object connected to the newly-created tool Raises ------ Warnings -------- """ # API Request status = API_ENDPOINT + "/tools", data=json.dumps({ "name": name, "description": description }), headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if status.ok: return status else: raise Exception('Create failed')
[docs] class Tool: """Class for interacting with a Tool Attributes ---------- id : unique ID of the tool url : string API endpoint for this tool """
[docs] def __init__(self, tool_id) -> None: """Creates a new tool object from an existing tool ID Parameters ---------- tool_id : string id associated with the tool of interest client : Client base authenticated client containing the active session """ = tool_id self.url = API_ENDPOINT + f"/tools/{tool_id}"
def __call__(self, **kwargs): """Makes the object callable like a function Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict key-value arguments to be passed into the job. If *hardware* keyword is provided, it must be of type Hardware and it will be used to specify the hardware for the job to run on. Returns ------- a jobs.Batch object Keyword arguments are passed to the Tool as environment variables """ if "hardware" in kwargs: hardware_arg = kwargs.pop("hardware") assert isinstance(hardware_arg, Hardware) hardware = hardware_arg.to_dict() else: hardware = Hardware().to_dict() data = { 'fixed_args': kwargs, 'variable_args': [], 'hardware': hardware } response = self.url, data=json.dumps(data), headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if response.ok: return Batch(response.text) else: raise Exception(response.text)
[docs] def run_batch(self, fixed_kwargs={}, variable_kwargs=[], hardware=None): """ Parameters ---------- fixed_kwargs : dict key-value arguments to be passed into each job in the batch variable_kwargs : [dict] variable arguments to be passed into separate jobs in the batch hardware : Hardware the compute hardware to run for each job in the batch Returns ------- a jobs.Batch object """ data = { 'fixed_args': fixed_kwargs, 'variable_args': variable_kwargs } if hardware is None: data['hardware'] = Hardware().to_dict() else: assert isinstance(hardware, Hardware) data['hardware'] = hardware.to_dict() response = self.url, data=json.dumps(data), headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if response.ok: return Batch(response.text) else: print(response) raise Exception(response.text)
[docs] def status(self): response = requests.get( self.url, headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if response.ok: description = response.json() return description else: raise Exception("error fetching status: " + response.text)
[docs] def push(self, tar_gz_file, chunk_size=MIN_CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES, connections=100, wait=False, sleep_time=60): """Update the tool code Before pushing the tool, you must build, save, and gzip a docker image on your computer. To do this, run the following commands. ``` docker build --tag my_tool /path/to/docker/folder docker save my_tool | gzip > my_tool.tar.gz ``` Then, pass the path to `/path/to/my_tool.tar.gz` to this function. The image will be uploaded, processed, and made available for use. Parameters ---------- tar_gz_file : string Path to the `.tar.gz` file containing the image chunk_zie : int Size of the file chunks to be uploaded in bytes, default = 8192 (8MB) (optional) """ if not tar_gz_file.endswith(".tar.gz"): raise Exception("File must have .tar.gz") tool_contents = MultipartUpload(tar_gz_file, self.url, method="PUT", chunk_size=chunk_size, connections=connections) tool_contents.request_upload() tool_contents.upload() tool_contents.complete_upload() if wait: ready = False while not ready: time.sleep(sleep_time) status = self.status() if status["buildStatus"] != "IN_PROGRESS": ready = True
[docs] class Hardware:
[docs] def __init__(self, filesystems=[], memory=512, cpu=1): """ Creates a hardware configuration object """ self.filesystems = filesystems self.memory = memory self.cpu = cpu
[docs] def to_dict(self): return { 'filesystems': [{'id':, 'name':} for fs in self.filesystems], 'memory': self.memory, 'cpu': self.cpu }
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Converts the class instance to a json string that can be passed to The Engine """ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
[docs] class Logger: """ Utility for tool-side logging. The determination of whether to log, where to log, and what logging level to use must be made within the tool. """
[docs] def __init__(self, log_file, level='info', append=True): """ Parameters ---------- log_file : str File name for logging. (If a file name with path is provided, remember that this is on whatever virtual file system may be set up and mounted with the docker container running the tool. Also, note that certain tools are already set up to write these log files to specific places in the virtual file system.) level : str, optional Specified logging level. May be 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', or 'critical'. Default 'info'. If `level` is not specified as one of these, then defaults to 'info'. append : boolean, optional Controls behavior if `log_file` already exists. If True (default), appends logging information to existing file. If False, overwrites existing file. """ if level.lower() == 'debug': logging_level = logging.DEBUG elif level.lower() == 'info': logging_level = logging.INFO elif level.lower() == 'warning': logging_level = logging.WARNING elif level.lower() == 'error': logging_level = logging.ERROR elif level.lower() == 'critical': logging_level = logging.CRITICAL else: logging_level = logging.INFO if append: filemode = 'a' else: filemode = 'w' self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_handler = logging.FileHandler( filename=log_file, encoding='utf-8', mode=filemode ) logging.basicConfig(handlers=[log_handler], level=logging_level, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p') # create a handler to pipe all uncaught exceptions to log file # def handle_unhandled_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): self.logger.critical("UNHANDLED EXCEPTION", exc_info=(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.excepthook = handle_unhandled_exception # ensure that warnings are also logged logging.captureWarnings(True)'Requested logging at level {level}; ' f'logging at level {logging.getLevelName(self.logger.getEffectiveLevel())}')
[docs] def info(self, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def debug(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.logger.debug(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] class Argument: """Tool-side argument handling """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, type=str, description="", required=False, default=None): = name self.type = type self.description = description self.required = required self.default = default
@property def value(self): if self.required: try: arg_value = os.environ[] except KeyError as e: raise Exception(f"Required argument '{}' not found") else: arg_value = os.environ.get(, default=self.default) if arg_value is not None: arg_value = self.type(arg_value) return arg_value
[docs] class ArgParser: """Tool-side argument parser """
[docs] def __init__(self, name=""): = name self.arguments = []
[docs] def add_argument(self, name, type=str, description="", required=False, default=None): arg = Argument(name, type=type, description=description, required=required, default=default) self.arguments.append(arg) self.__setattr__(, arg.value)
def __str__(self) -> str: output_string = f"-----{}-----\n" for arg in self.arguments: output_string += f"{}: {arg.value}\n" output_string += "-" * (10 + len( return output_string