Source code for

import requests
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
import time
from .config import API_ENDPOINT

[docs] def list_batches(): """ Lists all the available batches for the user Parameters ---------- Returns ------- A list of Batch objects """ response = requests.get( API_ENDPOINT + "/batches", headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if response.ok: body = response.json() batches = [Batch(item["batch_id"]) for item in body] return batches else: raise
[docs] def clear_batches(): """Deletes all the available batches for the user. * NOTE: This will not cancel any jobs, which will still run and incur costs once cleared. """ response = requests.delete( API_ENDPOINT + "/batches", headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if not response.ok: raise
[docs] class Batch: """Class for interacting with a Batch Attributes ---------- id : unique ID of the batch url : string API endpoint for this batch """
[docs] def __init__(self, batch_id): """ Parameters ---------- batch_id : string The batch ID to connect to """ = batch_id self.url = API_ENDPOINT + "/batches/" + batch_id
[docs] def list_jobs(self): """ List the jobs in this batch Returns ------- a lit of Job objects """ response = requests.get( self.url + "/jobs", headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if response.ok: jobs = response.json() return [Job(, j["job_id"]) for j in jobs] else: raise Exception("error listing jobs: " + response.text)
[docs] def delete(self): """Delete this batch. * NOTE: This will not cancel any jobs, which will still run and incur costs once deleted. """ response = requests.delete( self.url, headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if not response.ok: raise Exception("error deleting batch: " + response.text)
[docs] def status(self, max_retries=5): """ Returns the basic information of this batch and summarizes the job status. Returns ------- a dictionary with a summary (see HTTP docs) """ num_tries = 0 while num_tries < max_retries: try: response = requests.get( self.url, headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if response.ok: return response.json() except: num_tries += 1 raise Exception("max retries exceeded: " + response.text)
[docs] def wait(self, sleep_time=60, thresh=None): status = self.status() n_jobs = status['n_jobs'] if thresh is None: thresh = n_jobs if thresh > n_jobs: raise Exception("Threshold exceeds number of jobs") with tqdm(total=n_jobs) as pbar: status = self.status() completed = status['submitted_jobs']['SUCCEEDED'] + status['submitted_jobs']['FAILED'] while completed < thresh: time.sleep(sleep_time) status = self.status() completed = status['submitted_jobs']['SUCCEEDED'] + status['submitted_jobs']['FAILED'] pbar.update(completed - pbar.n)
[docs] class Job: """Class for interacting with a Job Attributes ---------- batch : Batch Parent batch for this job id : string unique ID of the tool url : string API endpoint for this tool """
[docs] def __init__(self, batch_id, job_id): """ Parameters ---------- batch_id : string unique ID of the parent batch job_id : string unique ID of the job to connect to """ self.batch = Batch(batch_id) = job_id self.url = self.batch.url + "/jobs/" + job_id
[docs] def status(self): """ Describes the status of the job. Returns ------- a dictionary of the job status (see HTTP docs) Raises ------ """ response = requests.get( self.url, headers={"Authorization": os.environ["ET_ENGINE_API_KEY"]} ) if response.ok: description = response.json() return description else: raise Exception("error fetching status: " + response.text)